"Never give up. Never surrender. In all honesty, life is hard and you’re going to face some challenges that will make you feel not so great sometimes. It’s important to have a solid group of dependable friends and be able to talk to them about things and get advice about your career path. The insight I got from my friends going into different fields made me realize which fields looked interesting and which had no place in my future."

My career roadmap has been all over the place.
In 2017, I reached 45,000 subscribers on YouTube and thought I wanted to go into the movie industry. Later, I realized that I could apply skills I learned from YouTube such as leading teams of people, appealing to audiences based on analytics, and creating content in the business world, so I was on track to complete a Business Administration degree.
Then, after taking business classes at COC, I felt underwhelmed by the lack of challenge the field gave me. Maybe I shouldn’t evaluate a field based on a couple of community college classes, but I felt like I’d rather be more hands-on than work behind the scenes.
Then, after taking business classes at COC, I felt underwhelmed by the lack of challenge the field gave me. Maybe I shouldn’t evaluate a field based on a couple of community college classes, but I felt like I’d rather be part of more hands-on work than behind the scenes work.
I looked into STEM classes and found that I loved biology. Then I was on a pre-med pathway until I realized just how taxing that pathway would be. While it looks tempting at times, it just isn’t for me.
Then, I looked at Computer Science. I started looking into this field because it has steady job openings, involves working with technology, and would let me show off my 116 WPM typing speed, haha.
Now, I’m looking to take my business mindset into the realm of electrical engineering, allowing it to merge with my strength in technology usage and problem solving.

Here are my extracurriculars relevant to this pathway
Paradis Ice Cream - Working here for almost a year now has given me the opportunity to gain an extraordinary amount of experience. It taught me that in any business, one must be quick on their feet and ready to solve the problems of both their fellow employees and customers. When managing the shop, I encountered multiple scheduling conflicts, technological malfunctions, and inventory discrepancies. Problem-solving is a skill that applies across the board, but it is especially applicable to the field of engineering, which is all about analytical thinking.
Coding Classes - I started with CMPSCI 111 and 111L, and realized how fun coding is. I went on to take more coding classes at COC because my first experience showed me how an idea can become an algorithm and an algorithm into code. I am glad I am able to combine my aptitude for technology with a job field that is so versatile.
Applying for an internship at Econolite, a civil engineering firm that has roots in the first traffic light systems.
Find opportunities to conduct research once I step foot on campus!
What I'm currently doing/hope to do
I’m currently an employee and social media marketer for Paradis Ice Cream and I plan to hold on to that as long as I am able to stay for. I’m majoring in Electrical Engineering as of now and hope to obtain a job at an engineering firm after graduation. While my job is more related to Business than it is Engineering, it grants me important communication and problem-solving skills that can be applied to any field.
How to maximize my time in high school?
Advice #1: Put yourself out there. The more job, internship, and volunteer positions you apply for, the more likely you are to further your might as an engineering major. Why? Because experience is everything. While classes can help you learn about math and science, nothing measures up to built experiences.
Advice #2: Network. Most positions are obtained by knowing people. It may not always be fun, but it helps to have connections in the engineering world. These people may prove to be great friends and/or grant you their service later on. Symbiosis, you feel?
Advice #3: Familiarize yourself with computer programs and languages. Problem-solving with programs like Fusion 360, Blender and coding languages such as Python, C++, and Java can help you stand out among other applicants and help you demonstrate your passion and desire for solvency.
Advice #4: Learn how to be an interviewee! First impressions are everything, and if you have the same qualifications as another job applicant, the employer will likely hire the one that came in with an enthusiastic attitude, a firm handshake, and a stellar outfit over the one that didn’t. It’s also so important to have a good resume and be able to increase your chances of getting hired.
Advice #5: Never give up. Never surrender. In all honesty, life is hard and you’re going to face some challenges that will make you feel not so great sometimes. It’s important to have a solid group of dependable friends and be able to talk to them about things and get advice about your career path. The insight I got from my friends going into different fields made me realize which fields looked interesting and which had no place in my future. Especially at AOC though, people are really there for you and they want to see you succeed. Also, we just like talking about careers at AOC in general, haha.